Monday, February 15, 2010

Workbench Work!

Today was a day off for us. We stuck around the house and did our things...we had early-ish visitors, friends Kiki and Itoko. Shawn and I tadpole sat for Kiki last week while she went ice fishing up north. For obvious reasons the tadpoles were unable to make the trek to Northern BC. I wouldn't want to be a tadpole on a fishing trip either. We were brought a thank you bottle of wine complete with the world's most fantastic frog drawing. Photos to come in future installments. Then I did a massive and cathartic cleaning of this disgusting house. It stunk of mildew when we got home last night after a weekend with Shawn's mom. Very annoying. We are ticking off the days till we leave this place. It's not a bad little house, but the mildew stench has been most irritating. Anyway, what fun to do a full vaccuum (no I'm serious, I really loved finally having a whole day to just have at it!!) full mop, scrub all the sinks, toilet and tub, plus we aired the whole place out, taking full advantage of the four opening doors and windows and just throwing the place open to the good fresh air. penny sat for a few hours outside on the porch in her carrier, watching shawn's woodworking project. He is building a bench. This weekend he picked up the vise of his dreams (an Irwin Record made in England and damned hard to find in the US, which makes it even more exciting to him to have found it at a great price!) in Seattle (Happy Birthday!!) and now must finish up his bench building. He was trying to put the legs together using pocket screws, but the attempt failed and he has decided he is ready for more advanced joinery and has scrapped the idea of the pocket screws. Goodbye Kreg. It's been nice knowing you. The clamps are on to put the side pieces on the actual work top. He's been having an amusing time trying to build the workbench without a workbench to work on. :-)
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