Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Spring has sprung

we have been doing a lot of yard work lately, and one of the nice things about it, besides digging, pruning and being in the good fresh air, is that we are getting many glimpses of budding trees, some crocus and many primrose in bloom, and daffodils standing 4 inches above ground already. Roses are leafing out, as are raspberries. Given that it's the end of January, this is a bit peculiar, but we are enjoying the balmy weather, for certain. We think only a few days out of this month have been below 50 degrees and the sun is getting a warmth to it that makes a coat superfluous halfway through our walks to the post office!

A pruning job this morning brought us into the acquaintance of a once scruffy but now quite handsome hawthorne varietal. It was loaded with lavender pink buds and we took home several of the big branches we took off to decorate the big pots on the porch and to bring in and watch the flowering of. Here is a little bouquet. The branches were pretty on their own, but were falling about in the vase, so I added some nice fern from the yard.

It's a cheery sight. Happy Spring.

Time to consider starting seeds...a friend has graciously offered us not only space in her garden to plant, but space in her greenhouse!! :-) We're feeling pretty settled. :-)
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